In some culture, it has a wide variant of spellings and pronunciations.
For example, in Hongkong It is written SUEN, in Korea and Japan it will be SON,
in Vietnam it is Tôn , and Fillipino writes SUAN, instead of SUN.
I could even name some notable person in the world
who are 'related' to me through 'our family names'
who make me even proud to be a lil' Sun
1. SUN TZU (孙子)
The Author of a Great 'Art of War'
I have his Film named by his name,
They said it really is a great film, which offer
Chinese Literature, War Strategy, Life Guidance, etc.
2. SUN QUAN ( 孫權 )
The Sun Family had been exsist for quiet a long time,
while China was in the era of The Three Kingdom
Their Family members which ruled the Eastern,
are Sun Jian, Sun Ce, Sun Quan, Sun Xao Xiang,
3. SUN YAT SEN (孙中山)
The Father of the Nation (China and Taiwan),
the political leader whose Basic Political Philosophy
is Nasionalism , instead of Communism.
Mao Ze Dong took over him, and then
Ruled China with Communism
Even in fairly tale, the name Sun is used to
represent a naughty Monkey King,
who accompanies the monk Xuanzhang
on the journey to retrieve Buddhist Sutras from India
And there are stiLL many" others that I haven't mentioned yet
The question is,
Can I be the Next 'Great Sun' like the the people,
who brings "Sun" to be exsisting in the world?
who brings "Sun" to be exsisting in the world?
I really am still far far away from their achievement.
I just restart my next level of education, and this august (approximately),
I will take Advertising as my Major Subject.
I must have been doing my best,
I must have never given up,
eventhough my parents' ways of thinkin' are very very different with mine.
With a Faith, I believe that I could do that.
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