like a common human being...
i have a 'bad hair day' lols....
mainly due to a 'damaged' Mood
this is rarely b'coz of anger...
(only Serious Violation could trigger my Anger :p )
and , When That 'bad-hair moment' happens,......
there'll be right things to do....
Ok, Here's My tips....
1. Please.... Please don't ask what happens to me repeatedly..
"what happens with you??" , "why so silent??"
ok, that's rather useless, (and soo disturbing for me)
since i don't have a mood to talk, I won't really answer it...
or might be, i'll answer with a extra low voice.... xP
2. You Can Stay silent....
Just talk and laugh with other as usual,
ok it was kinda hurt for me (as the feeling unimportant for you guys)
but now, i could handle this feeling....
better you guys talk each other (as usual)
than paying too much attention to me and my 'bad hair day'...
3. Better not to eseMezz me,
only for not to reply what i've replied...
this quiet disturbing my mind lorr...
4. okk, let me think the rest...
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